Manage my booking
Check, change or cancel your booking with ease. Add bags, choose seats and more. No more waiting in call centre queues!
Access your booking via My Booking and Purchase List. We save all transaction details, so you can check them easily anytime, anywhere!
Email us
We care about our users and want them to enjoy using our website. By sharing your feedback with us, we'll be able to continue making improvements.
For an immediate response, send us your request or inquiry through email. Includes questions or inquiries related to bookings, refunds, etc.
Frequently asked questions
XCover Protection
Where are my XCover Protection documents?
How do I make a change, cancel or get a refund for my XCover Protection?
Specific assistance
Everything about Specific assistance >>Payment and Invoice
Everything about Payment and Invoice >>Check-in
How to check-in at the airport?
What time should I be at the airport for check in?
Do I have to print my e-ticket or can I show it on my phone ?
Cancellation and Change
Everything about Cancellation and Change >>